
☆Art-Aquarium Nihonbashi + Sumida Aquarium + Kichinto☆

Hello <3
since yesterday i have a new part time job!! so i am busy non-stop haha
let´s continue with the next two posts!
 on 21st of August i met my lovely friend Hiromi <3
we are friends for 3 years now! ^3^/
we met at Nihonbashi station and went to the Coredo shopping mall!
first we had japanese style lunch *3*
 soooo gooood <3
cute Hiromi <3
afterwards we went to the Art-Aquarium exhibition!
Art combined with gold fishes! really cool!!!
pretty advertisement!
here are some pictures!!
i was so impressed! *o*
this was the most amazing one!!! *O*/
in the background it was like an animation and the fishes were swimming in front of it!
such a beautiful idea!
fishes swimming in front of this kimono :D
the kimono changed colors ^-^
it was such an awesome exhibition!!! <3

afterwards we decided to go to the Sumida Aquarium!
it´s in the same building like the Sky Tree :D
jelly fish!!!
so cuteeee <3
they look like mushrooms haha
those are so funny wwwww
i love this huge aquarium :D <3
afterwards we printed some shirts by ourselve!
it was just 500Yen for one shirt!
there were three tables with different colors~
every stamp had an animal on it~
hiromi while showing her finished shirt and while putting stamps on the shirt :D
afterwards we went back home!
it was so nice to see her again <3~
thank youu
pretty sky tree xD

on 22nd we met our japanese "parents" Haru and Yama, for dinner XD
first time we met them in our favourite izakaya~ someday they said they are our japanese parents lol  both of them are soooo cute!!!
we live in the same district so we met up at a yakiniku store not far away :D
 it was so much fun <3
meat *o*/

afterwards we went to Kichinto, our favourite Izakaya!!~
me, Manga-Man (he is everyday there and reads manga at the counter table xD when he is there it´s always such a calm atmosphere lol), Yama!
Takeshi and Mooooooooo~ haha
always so much fun!! Kichinto is our 2nd home hahaha
Eileen, me, Takeshi, Keisuke~

thank you so much <3

(on this day i also bought a polaroid camera haha 
i forgot to take a picture, but it´s this one:
i own the white one :D)

thank you for reading!!! <3
next post is about new LIZ LISA Gets (the autumn collection is just AWESOME haha), summer fireworks  and about my university in Japan! ^-^
bye bye <3


  1. Ah also bleibst du noch länger und arbeitest jetzt?^^Wie toll, das ist echt eine super Lösung :) Ich glaub ich werd nicht länger bleiben können, die Uni in Dland geht ja weiter :( Aber naja mal sehen^^

  2. oh wo arbeitest du denn jetzt? *_*
    und izakayas sind best hehe :)

  3. Oh my god... this exhibition looks amazing. I want to go there too... ;A;
    How long will it be there?
    Just to know if I even get the chance to see it myself? ~~
    Your photos are really pretty and it sounds so great to have like a small family there... ;)

  4. das Izakaya sieht echt gemütlich aus :3
    ooh die Polaroid-Kamera hab ich auch schon seit langem auf meiner Wishlist :33
    oh und die neue Liz Lisa Kollektion ist sooo schön *^*
    du hast echt glück dass du die Sachen direkt vor Ort kaufen kannst :)

  5. Kann es sein, dass deine Mailadresse nicht mehr geht?! ;_; Stefan und ich haben versucht dir zu mailen aber es kam immer zurück... :(
    Glückwunsch zum Job!! :) Und tolle Bilder mal wieder, die ganzen Unterwasserwesen sehn cool aus!
    Liebe Grüße ♥

  6. Nice pictures! I love your blog! Would appreciate if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think. We can follow each other on GFC too if you like :)

